Got book chapter? Well, I do. I had a nice surprise when I came back from my trip to DC this past weekend for the APS Conference. I just found out I had one of my book chapters published! It is always very exciting to see your name in print. In case you are interested in seeing what other areas are focused in the book or are interested in purchasing the book itself, here is the link to the book on Amazon.
Don’t get me wrong – I am all about technology and love ebooks myself! However, there is something about physically turning the pages and reading a book that is comforting and relaxing. It was fun looking over the book chapter I helped write a few years ago. It seems like yesterday I was looking at mobile media articles, discussing exactly what is considered to be a mobile device, and looking over the final edits for correct APA style (still working on it now even as an assistant professor).
It is amazing to see your writing in a printed edition of a book like this. This was a project I had the opportunity to work on with my advisor and chair at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Michael Palenchar when I was a graduate research assistant. This project focused on the challenges and risks associated with social media and mobile technologies in crisis situations. This paper was presented at the ICA Pre-Conference on Mobile Technologies in Boston back in 2011, so it has taken a little bit of time to get the book published.
This was one of the first projects I had a chance to work on with mobile technologies a few years ago. Many people associate mobile and social media literature and research to be the same. There is a lot of crossover of course with emerging technologies both in research and practice, but they are each their own specialization. What is key for researchers and students interested in this area to understand is not only the differences, but also the bridge that connects these two fields together. They are alike in many ways, but they have their own distinct theories, principles, and studies associated with them.
This was a fun project to work on and I would like to thank both Kathleen and Larissa for their support and guidance with this project. It was a pleasure working with these two great professionals and I appreciated the opportunity to have the chapter Dr. Palenchar and I worked on together be published. I was very excited to see this book arrive and see my name in the book. Very fabulous! Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,