QR codes are definitely the latest social media element that is catching the attention of professionals, businesses, and leading professionals. From having QR Codes designed to guide users to other websites to sharing coupons to use at various store locations – the possibilities are endless for social media and public relations professionals. Christine Elwin (PR Master’s Student at the University of Tennessee) has a great blog post going over the specifics of what are QR Codes and the various resources out there to create one for yourself or your client. As QR Codes become more popular, more focus is to personalize and tailor these to specific brands, causes, and campaigns – which can be shown in this post by Mashable. There are many case studies out there of companies and brands that are successfully implementing these into their campaigns strategically, and here are some that I thought were both interesting and current in implementing this new form of technology into their current business, communications, and social media practices:
- Japan Neko (Japanese Search Engine) designed a QR code particularly partnered with the Red Cross in both Japan and Britain to guide users to raise awareness and call to action donations for the Japanese Relief Efforts. QR Codes have also been implemented on the main Crisis Response Page for Google as well.
- Raymond Weil (Advertising Campaign with QR Code): Embedding a mobile application link to the QR code within the advertisement generates engagement and user interaction with the brand and allows them to search for more information on the go with their mobile device as well as share this content with others.
Overall, what we are seeing in the public relations field – as well as for other business professionals, a huge growth in the use and implementation of QR Codes for businesses around the world, and even in crisis situations as well. What is key to remember is that you have to be aware of first if your audience in question in your campaign or situation is either 1) aware of the technology 2) educated in how to get access to the information from the QR code and 3) would actually expect the client or individuals in question to have this available to them.
In other words, these conversations have to be answered through research and discussion for the key individuals part of your campaign team. There are many other ways to consider implementing QR Codes for crisis situations, and even look at how they can be used in promoting at an event and integrate them into business cards. So many possibilities to choose from!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,