It is amazing to see what the media focuses on when someone makes a statement regarding a high-profile issue. This seems to have happened to Jacque Rogge, who is the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), when he made a comment how a drug-free sport is “utopia.” The full statement that Rogge was quoted is the following:
“Drug-free sport in general is Utopia. It will be naive to believe that no-one will take drugs…there are about 400m people practising sport on this globe, there are not 400m saints on earth.”
Wow, that says a lot coming from the head figure of the International Olympic Committee. However, if you look at the BBC article, Rogge goes on and talks about the reason why he said this and provided some rationale, and states that they are going to do some more testing on samples from the Beijing Olympics. But if you look and see what is being presented in the media– it is just that one simple statement that has a lot of meaning.
It is interesting how the media does frame certain issues. Whether it is in politics, education, or in athletics– there is a side of an issue or story that the media focuses in on, and it influences how they write and present the story to the public. I would say that reputation management comes into play when looking at media framing such as this. What does this do to the reputation of the athletes that compete at the Olympics when the president acknowledges that having a drug-free environment would be ideal? What about the reputation of the organizations and athletic federations that are supposed to be monitoring and making sure that they catch the athletes using performance enhancing drugs? It is a very interesting situation, and I am sure that more will be written on this issue.
I hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Best Wishes,