Happy Halloween!  Well, Halloween was yesterday – but still, it is the thought that counts!  I have always enjoyed celebrating Halloween with my family and my friends.  Our house would always have tons and tons of candy to give out to trick or treaters.  Mom, Dad, and Karla kept on with the tradition this year as well with passing out See’s candy bars – totally envious!  They are the best!

Each year, I try to think about what I am going to be for Halloween.  I really have never been the traditional person when it comes to my costumes, and this started at a very early age for me.  I was at times a witch, one year the grim reaper, Snow White (that was what I was last year), and my all-time favorite costume was when I was in kindergarten and I was Spock from “Star Trek.”  What can I say, I like science fiction television shows and movies! 😀 Overall, I think that our family was really creative with our costumes and it was fabulous!

Kristin and I at Halloween in 1989 as a Vampire and Spock

Kristin and I at Halloween in 1989 as a Vampire and Spock

But, if you consider this as part of PR, the question is whether or not your Halloween costume tells anything about your persona and overall reputation?  I would definitely say that it does.  I feel that all of my costumes do show bits and pieces of my personality.  For example, with Spock – he was a scientist (scholar, researcher, systematic and logical thinker) – which make sense that I am currently in the Ph.D. program in Communications and learn more towards doing quantitative research.

Another example was my costume for this year.  One of my all-time favorite animation films was the movie “The Incredibles.”  I love this movie since it has some really great messages in it, but it is also a charming, clever, and fun film. Plus – there is the fabulous fashion designer Edna Mode – our family always quotes from her!  So… this year, I decided that I would be Edna for Halloween.  Why?  Well, she is quite the fashionista and speaks her mind, is upfront with her opinions and enjoys the creativity of art and fashion – which I believe shows a little bit about my personality.

So, as you can see – I feel like my Spock and Edna costumes do show what I think is my overall reputation as a person as well as a public relations professional – and how I see PR in some ways.  I do believe that the profession is a science, but I also believe that it is an art and a need to be strategically creative in campaigns and research.  Not only that, I do believe that my reputation encompasses both personalities of these characters for my own personal reputation.

Anyway, I hope that you all had a marvelous Halloween and have a wonderful day!

Best Wishes,
