I have had my personal blog now for about four years – I started as soon as I finished my eligibility at USC in track and field (on a side note – congratulations to Coach Ron Allice and the USC Men’s and Women’s Track and Field team for beating UCLA at the dual meet yesterday! Fight on!). Over the years, I have written various posts on different issues. From PR Nightmares to Sports PR Case Studies to now topics and issues related specifically towards social media. However, there seems to be some posts that I have written that are definitely popular. Here are the top five most read and searched blog posts on my blog:
A successful social media and PR Campaign – Coca Cola (March 16, 2009): This was a blog post that I wrote back in 2009 that discussed how Coca-Cola was leading the way for corporations to strategically implement their reputation management practices with social media.
South Africa – Ten things to know (May 24, 2007): During the summer of 2007, I went to Cape Town, South Africa to do an internship in public relations with Total Media. My experience in South Africa was life-changing and one of the best experiences of my life. During my time in Cape Town, I continued to blog and write about my experiences in working in PR in South Africa and some of the things that I thought fellow professionals and world travelers would want to know about South Africa. Of course, I had to discuss the fabulous cuisine and friends I made during my time in Cape Town – it was all amazing! This is indeed one of my most popular blog posts to record.
Where in the World is Jenny Craig? – EVERYWHERE! (June 16, 2009): My family and I have been on Jenny Craig now for three years – four in November! One tradition that my family and I started back in 2007 was to bring a Jenny Craig item with us when we traveled and take a picture of it with a well-recognized landmark. In South Africa, I took a picture with Table Mountain in Cape Town in the background, went to the Great Wall in China, and took a picture of it with the Temple of Poseidon in Greece. Jenny Craig has been life changing for our family as well, and it has indeed been everywhere. Soon, it will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – another new continent!
I wonder where I should take my picture with the Complete Start Cereal….
Athletes dating coaches – Ten ways to spot a “honeybun” (July 8, 2006): This is by far the one post that I am continually surprised that people are searching for. This actually was one of my first posts that I wrote immediately after I completed my career in athletics in 2006. I have told people that the number one problem in athletics is athletes using performance enhancing drugs, but a close second is those athletes that get involved with the coach, or what I would like to call “honeybuns”. During my ten year career in track and field, I have seen many athletes go down this route – and it does impact the dynamic of the team, even though track and field is an individual sport. Also, athletes are not the only ones that thought that this was a very interesting post – when I first got to Tennessee at my Ph.D. orientation, a few of my friends said that was their favorite post as well. I do believe that this continues to be an issue in athletics – even four years later.
Anyway, it is interesting to see what posts people like and search for – it is always good to know in preparation for writing future blog posts and be aware of how your blog is being perceived. Hope you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,