The first computer that I ever used was an Apple, but I have mostly been a PC user.  But when I started my Ph.D. program, I realized that I would be doing a lot of work with new design software.  So, I did some research and decided that it was time for me to get a Mac.  I have to say that it was the best decision that I made!! 🙂  Here are a few reasons why I think that people (especially in PR) need to get a Mac:

  • Macs have amazing design software:  From Flash 8 to Photoshop to Garageband, the Apple computer really gives the user a lot of options to really develop a professional project!
  • Your presentations are faster, clearer, and look REALLY cool!!:  Macs have a lot more ram which allows the programs to be more effective!
  • Macs have a lot of room to store your files!:  I know as a Ph.D. student, I will be writing a lot of papers, presenting numerous presentations, and adding files and pictures to my web site and blog, so I need to have a computer that doesn’t lock up when I am trying to format an image.  Macs are great with big files like these!
  • Macs can be used as a tool for PR professionals to connect to multiple audiences:  I would have to say that with iTunes, the iPod, and all of the new Apple products– they have become part of today’s culture.   Teenagers, college students, and business professionals use Apples, and it gives PR professionals an idea of the different characteristics of these audiences based on the fact that all of these individuals use a Mac (if that makes sense. :))
  • PR professionals have to be aware of emerging technologies:  If PR professionals can use new technologies for their campaigns and research to become more effective, they will succeed. Technologies will always change, and we as PR professionals have to be up-to-date and maybe even ahead of the trend!   Also, by incorporating these new advances, these PR professionals will distinguish themselves from their competitors! 🙂

I hope that you all are having a great day! 😀 

Best Wishes,
