It seems that ever since Brett Favre has come out of retirement, given the Green Packers a lot of grief for releasing him, and caused a media storm a few months ago with announcing that he was coming back to play football (but for the Jets)– his personal brand has gone from being superior to now being… well, not so positive. Now– it seems that Favre is back in the news again for allegedly meeting with and linking information about the Green Packers to the president of the Detriot Lions (Matt Millen) before they played the Green Bay Packers. Is this coincidence? Some speculate that Favre tried to leak information about the Packers to the Lions about their game strategy, but the Packers still won 48-25.

What was the response that Favre gave to the media about this conversation that he had with Millen? Here is what he said:
“I didn’t give him any game planning. I haven’t been in that offense in over a year. I don’t know what else to tell you. It was pretty simple.” Favre also added this interesting point as well by saying, “It happens every day. It happens more than you know.”
Very interesting. But here is the main concern that I have. First, Favre tries to justify his reasons on why he went to talk with Millen in the first place, but then comes out and says that this stuff happens more than you think. Does that mean that he thinks that it is right? Another thing to point out is that it is known in the athletic community that Favre and the Green Bay Packers did not end things on a positive note, and this situation impacts Favre more negatively than the Packers. This is really impacting his personal brand and reputation among his fans, sponsors, and the media. People will remember Favre for not being a great football quarterback, but as an quarterback scorned.
Athletes every day face challenges with teams– it is just part of the business. But the key is that you have to look at the long term and how this will look a year, five years, or even 10 years down the road.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,