I have always been a fan of movies – it has been one of the favorite things that my family and I enjoy doing together today and growing up. I also have several friends in Tennessee that also appreciate the fabulousness of movies. There are many different types of movies that I like, but I have always been a fan of action movies. Today, I got to see the new action movie Iron Man 2 with Robert Downey Jr. Let’s just say that I thought that the movie was absolutely amazing – great effects, good points to the story, and the bad guys get it at the end! What more can you ask for? However, there are some lessons that public relations professionals can take away from Tony Stark and Iron Man. Here are a few of these lessons:
Even in tough times, there are always aspects of life that are positive: I was really happy to see that the movie Iron Man 2 was upbeat, action-packed, and showed Tony Stark in a more committed relationship and aware of his actions. These are important lessons that we all need to be aware of, as well as public relations professionals.
Got to keep up with latest technology: One of the things that I thoroughly enjoyed in the movie is the focus on changing with the times and technology – but at the same time realize what has been done previously. Tony Stark has his workspace and new technology that allows him to create his suits to be more sophisticated and efficient. In order to do your job right, you got to have the right tools to do it – and for public relations professionals, this comes in the form of technology.
There will always be Hammers out there to steal your thunder and ideas: Whether it is in research or in practice, there will always be those in public relations that will try to see what you are doing and try to get the credit without doing the hard work in coming up with the idea or new campaign proposal. What you have to do is either recognize who these individuals are and prepare how to handle them – or outsmart them and be more strategic yourself. This was one thing that I noticed in Iron Man 2 – people may try to take shortcuts, but at the end – it doesn’t help the other person in the end.
Overall, I really enjoyed watching Iron Man 2 – it was a fun, entertaining, action-packed, and a great movie. If you haven’t seen it yet – you should! Hope you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,