As a Google Glass Explorer, I was able to invite three people to join me in the Explorer program. I was very excited to be able to have three of my friends (and family) to experience Glass along with me.
I decided to choose the following three people: My Mom (and original Dr. Freberg), my friend and fellow PR professor Tiffany Gallicano (University of Oregon), and Nick Stover (UofL social media colleague and Director of Social Media for UofL Athletics). All three have gotten their Glasses and have begun using them.
One of the things I realized is the fact that the three individuals I have asked are professors. Mom teaches Psychology and Neuroscience of course, and Tiffany teaches PR, and Nick has taught some sports administration classes at UofL as well. This was one of the reasons why I chose these three to be part of the Google Glass Explorer program. Each has the power to reach a large audience of students who are very tech savvy and understand what is being asked of them at the workplace. In addition, each person can use Glass to share their POVs to others. Whether it is recording presentations or showing what it is like from the POV of a student-athlete, these stories all need to be told.

The original Dr. Freberg w/ Google Glass
I am excited to see what they all do with their POVs. Mom has already experienced Glass with her recent trip to West Point in NY – which is pretty cool! Tiffany has also discussed how she has shared this already with one of her PR classes at UO. Nick has been active using Glass for a while now and recently recorded what it was like to be sharing the POV with Luke Hancock during the 2013 NCAA Championship ceremony last weekend.
In case you want to join the explorer program, Glass has a site where you can sign up and they will let you know the next steps. Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,