I am amazed that another year has gone by, and another decade as well. I remember when everyone back in 1999 was talking about Y2K and preparing for what may or may not happen when we came into the 2000’s. This decade was indeed a busy one for me – each year brought a new adventure, highlights, and achievements to it. So, I thought that it would be good to highlight some of the activities and events that happened to me in the 00’s, and what to look forward to next in 2010 and a new decade.
2000: I was a junior in high school, and about 100 pounds heavier than I am currently in my stage (I was around 310-315 lbs or so). This year was a highlight for me in track and field – I finally won the shot put at the California State High School meet. This was a pretty intense battle and I was very excited about it. It was also a year of change – I transferred from Arroyo Grande High School to San Luis Obispo High, and began the college recruiting process. I wrote for the high school track and field site Dyestat about my recruiting experiences. I eventually signed a letter of intent to compete for SMU on a full track and field scholarship. Dad was a great coach for me in track and field – he really helped me out tremendously and was a great workout partner. Thanks, “Coach Dad!”
2001: My senior year in high school was definitely a busy but great year in track and field. I repeated as a state champion and was a quarter of an inch off the HS national record (I still get teased about that to this date! :)). I also graduated from San Luis Obispo High School and went on to start my first year as a freshman in college at SMU. Kristin graduated from West Point this year as well.
2002: I competed in my first college track and field season for SMU during the indoor season, where I was the WAC Indoor Champion in the shot put and WAC Freshman of the Year Indoors. It was also a year of change again for me – I transferred to the University of Florida that year and became a Gator. Also, this was the year where I became introduced into Public Relations. I had my first PR class during the fall semester, and I realized immediately that this was the major and profession for me.
2003: I had my first complete season with the Florida Gators in track and field. I was very excited about getting the school record in the shot put and becoming a two-time SEC Champion and two-time All-American. I also began being a contributor for the Journal section of Trackshark.com, which was a web site dedicated to covering collegiate track and field. I also started creating my email newsletter Kmail, which featured stories and insights about my experience with the track and field team at Florida. It was also a year of transition for the Freberg family as well. Kristin went for her first tour in Iraq in 2003, and I did not get to see her until the following year.
2004: I would have to say if I could say one or two words about 2004, I would have to say that it was all about “hard work.” This was the year that I was really working hard in track and field and in my academics. Also, I had a few challenges that I had to face this year – particularly an almost-career ending back injury. I did get to become an All-American in the shot put indoors, and my marks qualified me to compete at the 2004 Olympic Trials in July 2004. I remember being really pumped up for the meet, but I was also really worried about my back. However, I ended up being 6th in the prelims – my parents had so much faith in me before the meet that they only reserved one night in the hotel! I ended up getting 9th overall, so I was very pleased with that.
Mom published her first neuroscience text book this year – woo hoo!
2005: I did not compete this year for Florida (redshirt), so this gave me some time to finish up my PR studies at Florida, apply to graduate school programs, and graduate with my bachelor’s degree in Public Relations in August 2005. I applied to nine graduate programs, and got accepted at seven of them. I decided that I would be going to the University of Southern California and to Annenberg’s Strategic Public Relations program. I was very excited to be back in California and to be part of the cohort in the Strategic Public Relations program. In the meantime, with weight loss and increase fitness levels. I also had the chance to be part of the USC track and field team to complete my last year of eligibility. Kristin also got her Master’s degree in Engineering Management from University of Missouri-Roulla.
2006: What a busy year! From completing my first year in the Master’s program to finishing up my last year of college eligibility. My track season at USC was very special – I was able to compete both indoors and outdoors, and became an All-American, Pac-10 Runner up, West Regional Runner-up, and got the USC school record for USC at the USC-UCLA track meet. It doesn’t get any better than this!!! After completing my season and finishing up my track career, I realized that I needed to lose my throwing weight, so I joined Jenny Craig. Actually, my entire family did, and to this date – we are still one with Jenny Craig and losing weight!
2007: A lot of change, new adventures, and a completion of a large chapter of my life. I continued to lose weight, thanks to Jenny Craig, and also finished up my Master’s degree in Strategic Public Relations in August 2007. I also got accepted to the Ph.D. program at the University of Tennessee – very excited about this! I also got the chance to go on a PR internship in Cape Town, South Africa over the summer. This was such a life changing event for me – it really was a wonderful experience for me. I met some amazing people, learned so much about South Africa, and of course had a lot of fabulous food!!! After coming back from South Africa, I began classes at UT in Knoxville.
2008: This was the year where I really transitioned from being just a student to being an up-and-coming researcher and scholar. I was able to present at three conferences this year, and finish up my first year of courses. I made new friends at UT, and the professors were all great. I was able to keep up with the tradition of fabulous travel this year, and it was to Beijing, China to present at the RI Conference! Kristin came along with me and we had such an amazing time!!! The fall, I really worked hard in my classes and helped organize PR Day for the School of Advertising and Public Relations. Also, during the fall – Kristin went back to Iraq to do her second tour of duty.
2009: As this year comes to a close, there were many things that happened! First, conferences were definitely a theme here this year – presented at five, and two were international. One was in Amsterdam, and the other was in Greece. Mom, Kristin, and I had the chance to spend some time together and really tour Athens – from going to a cruise of the Greek Islands to doing Greek dancing. And of course, how can I forget having fabulous meals??!! Kristin came back from her second tour in October, and is now in the process of moving to Virginia to go on for her second Master’s. Mom and Dad continue to do fabulous things – Mom‘s second edition of her “Discovering Biological Psychology” came out this year, and Dad continues to produce fabulous recipes – his presence in Tennessee is highly anticipated. Karla continues to do great artwork, and has launched her own site.
So, what is going to happen in 2010? Well, again – we in the Freberg family do not do boring things. A lot of hard work is ahead of us, but what separates us from others is how we deal with them. I am looking forward to the upcoming year and what it has to offer to the Freberg family. Here are a few things that I have so far in the mix:
- Comprehensive Exams – this is a big step for me in the Ph.D. program, and I will be taking these in Februrary. Wish me luck!
- Teaching: I will teaching again this upcoming year both in my online and off line PR courses. Very neat
- Research and Conferences: I am working on a couple of research projects for the upcoming year – they are all at different stages, but all coming near the end. Hopefully, I will be able to attend another international conference this year to keep up with the tradition!
And of course Kristin will be joining me as well.
- Jenny Craig: Our family now has been on JC for over three years, and we are continuing to lose weight!
The family that does JC together.
Plus, I am sure that Dad is going to continue to make amazing dishes – starting with a Baked Alaska to celebrate the new year!
- Overall Philosophy: Work hard, win easy, be happy, live life to the fullest, embrace opportunities and challenges, and family is everything!
I wish each and everyone one of you a fabulous and Happy New Year 2010! May all of your dreams and aspirations come true. Have a wonderful day!
Best Wishes,