Our class is meeting once a week, and everyone is enjoying their internships. We are all pretty busy writing stories and coming up with strategies for PR campaigns– but it is nice to meet and talk about it over a great meal.
On Wednesday, we met at one of more well-known restaurants in Cape Town called Mama Africa’s. They specialize in African food, and let’s just say that it was really good! What did I have? Well– I basically had everything!
I mean that I got a meal that had all of the different types of meat that you can select: krudo, ostrich, crocodile, springboek, and I think I had something else…. oh well! It was amazing!
I love trying out new foods and I have been very impressed by the food so far in South Africa. I am working off of Jenny Craig measurements and their maintanence diet, so it’s been a challenge, but I’m doing good.
Have a great day!
Best Wishes,