Today was an exciting day for me in many respects! My diploma for my Master in Arts in Strategic Public Relations degree arrived in the mail from the University of Southern California.

Master of Arts Diploma

The two years that I spent at USC as both an athlete and a student were absolutely fantastic, and I will always remember USC fondly! 😀 Both the USC track team and the Athletic Department gave me the opportunity to finish out my college track career on a high note. My professors at Annenberg taught me more about the PR field, and gave me the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work at a PR agency in Cape Town, South Africa.

I am very proud to call myself a USC alum now. 😀 Both Dad and I now share a school! I consider Mom, Kristin, and Karla to be “Honorary Trojans”–I guess you can say that we are a Trojan family!!!:D  Fight on!!! 😀

I hope you all are having a fantastic day!

Best wishes,


P.S. Two degrees down, one to go! 😀