Angry Birds. Plants vs. Zombies. Farmville. Mafia Wars. World of Warcraft. What do all of these things have in common? Well, they are considered to be either virtual worlds (WOW) or social games. The next evolution of social media integration has come into play. In our social media class, we had the chance to hear two great guest lecture presentations on the role of social gaming (Dr. Hoy at the University of Tennessee) and Nicole Merrfield (Master’s Student in PR at Tennessee – and also won the Graduate Student Paper Award at the Research Symposium last week – congrats Nicole!). Both presentations were inspiring and relevant to the role of public relations professionals in both research and application of these various strategies.
Social gaming is definitely a new feature of emerging technology that allows various professionals across disciplines to come together and creatively engage in dialogue about how to use these games strategically for each profession. From social advertising games to creating educational training platforms to presenting engaging and stimulating virtual worlds of brands, they serve their purpose in reaching out to specific audiences in a way that shares the same characteristics of social media. The statistics of growth and integration of these new features for social media purposes (advertising, marketing, and public relations) are amazing. Some are integrating specific products into these games, while others are approaching it from a different angle. For example, Paramount is using Frontierville to promote their upcoming Johnny Depp movie “Rango.” How will this promotional campaign through social games pan out? Well, we will have to wait and see how 1) the movie does in terms of bringing people to the theatres 2) the level of traffic and engagement of the users for this particular social game and 3) whether or not playing the game influenced the decision to go and see the movie. We will have to wait and see what happens.
However, there are many opportunities and considerations to be looked at when it comes to social gaming and public relations. The main characteristic is that it allows the brand or public relations professional to interact and engage with audiences through a game (competitive or cooperative in nature) while forming online relationships. Businesses and brands are not the only ones jumping on board with social games – even the government is getting interested in having a share in this new form of technology for their audiences. Virtual simulations can be used in all facets of public relations – from education purposes to training to creating brand awareness and establish relationships with various audiences. What social games bring to the social media table is that it is creating a dynamic, competitive yet cooperative environment with individual and community goals and objectives, and integration of brand awareness and presence in an engaging and personalized game format.
This new form of technology is not only being implemented for computers – but for smartphones and tablets. This is the new fabulous thing shaking up the social media world for all business and communication professionals – great opportunities for research and application into campaigns.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,