PR Day 2010 at the beautiful University of Tennessee

PR Day 2010 at the beautiful University of Tennessee CLICK on the picture to see what we are doing this year... and there is still time to join in on the fun!

Here is what I am reading for today:

“Forget about the “Facebook Phone.” Mark Zuckerberg’s strategy is to make every handset a Facebook Phone. The founder of the world’s largest social network unveiled what he called Facebook’s “Mobile Platform” Wednesday. It’s a new system that will let anyone sign up for, or log into, any mobile app using their Facebook credentials. If widely adopted this would extend the reach of Facebook’s “OpenID”-like universal web login to the entire, rapidly growing mobile platform.

“Social media has really exploded in the last couple of years and there are some great blogs out there sharing tons of content and it is getting to the stage where it is nearly impossible to keep track of them all. With that in mind I wanted to make a list of 50 of the biggest social media and tech blogs. Some offer great insight, some have the latest news and some are focused on giving you practical advice to improve your blog or business. They might not all be for you as they are all at different levels but you’ll hopefully find a couple of blogs on this list that are well worth bookmarking and reading on a regular basis. If you think your blog should be on there or know of any other good ones makes sure to leave a link to it in the comments. Here is my list of 50 great social media and tech blogs form around the world”

“Technology companies, venture capitalists and retailers have expressed no small amount of enthusiasm for location-based Web services, which allow users to “check into” locations in order to connect with friends or cash in on special offers from businesses”


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