My Presentation at this years 2010 NCA Conference in San Francisco
Here are a few items I found interesting today ( SPECIAL note to dad, here’s a couple of hints for your ‘foodie ap’);
“The upside is you don’t need any specific technical knowledge to build up an app quickly (the company touts “in as little as 5 minutes!”), but the downside is the app interface and functionality are relatively basic.
“Many leading major brands, including Audi, Zippo, Orange and Cadbury, are using branded iPhone apps as a way to reach their target audience. It’s not hard to see why when more than 3 billion apps have been downloaded, and iPhone users are generally young and affluent. A branded iPhone app is a combination of product and entertainment, but most importantly, it cannot be perceived as advertising. When done right, it’s a great way to not only increase brand awareness but drive direct traffic.”
“the November issue of Business Review Australia (http://www.businessreviewaustralia.com/magazines/3469), Tomer Garzberg, Director of Strongman Digital Media, discusses how social media has changed the landscape of Australian business. “Our means of communication has evolved beyond traditional methods. Now we can talk, ask, or find anyone in the world at any time. Commercial entities within Australia are already harnessing the opportunities presented by social media,” Garzberg says. “