Welcome to the Reputation Economy—a world in which perceptions are reality, in which reputation dynamics drive value creation and value destruction. To succeed in this environment, organizations must learn to navigate the complex web of relationships they inhabit and recognize the growing importance that stakeholder perceptions have on a company's prospects for long-term growth. CLICK on the picture above to read more... or just use your QR CODE READER!
Here are my readings for today:
“Like last month, 16 of the 25 largest Facebook games by monthly active users have experienced user declines, with seven, including CityVille, steming from social developer Zynga. Many of these games were launched a year ago or earlier, and massive new games are not emerging to take their place, at least in terms of equivalent MAU numbers.”
“Kathryn Tucker recalls the time she missed her daughter’s friend’s birthday party because she lost track of the information. It’s a thought the mother of two returned to when she developed RedRover, a social location-based network for parents, that helps them connect, plan play dates and discover new kid-friendly locations.”
“The global virtual goods industry put up some very impressive numbers this year. From special Easter eggs to virtual ad campaigns, virtual goods sales have grabbed their share of headlines over the past twelve months. Now with social gaming on the rise and everyone from your teenage nephew to your grandma to your old rugby teammate buying a “little something” to sweeten their online game, here is a look a back at the year in virtual goods sales.”