Here are the four successful social media influencers from my publication in Public Relations Review! CLICK to see what it's all about!
Here is what I am reading today!
“Recently a tweet from Jacqueline Church (aka LDGourmet) caught my eye. Promoted by a friend’s comment, she had drafted a “PR Client’s Bill of Rights” and posted to her blog a while ago. Her tweet announced its reposting. The list of client’s rights is comprehensive and in my view accurate. Simple reminders to us all in the business.”
“From the first e-mail to the domination of Facebook, social media has come a long way, baby. Here’s a visually organized look at the past 30 years or so of social media history, from Usenet to AIM to Friendster and beyond. This particular infographic comes with some fun facts; for example, did you know that the first version of MySpace was coded in just 10 days?”
“The ubiquitous “like” is currency for brands, and Facebook is giving them a new way to collect: an ad unit that shows up on the right-hand side of the screen it calls “sponsored stories.”