RULE NUMBER ONE: always carry an ANGRY BIRD in your car! It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it!
Here is what I am reading today:
“Klout (www.klout.com) measures a person’s influence in aggregate of all of their social networks (at least those currently integrated with Klout). The San Francisco based company has scored over 80 Million people since 2008. The unit of measurement compiled is called The Klout Score and is a number from 1 to 100. The higher the score, the more influence Klout has computed that you have.
Your Klout Score is compiled from three factors – True Reach, Amplification, and Network Score. Your True Reach measures how many people you actually influence. There are safeguards in place to filter out bots and spam to sift down to how many people are actually interacting with your content. Another way of looking at your True Reach is to think about how many people share your content and how many people are compelled to respond to your messages. Your Amplification can be thought of as how many times your message is spread. Do your friends want to share your message with their friends? Your Network Score takes into account not just how many people are in your network, but how many of those people are influencers themselves. The more influencers you know who react to your content, the higher your Klout Score is likely to be.”
“Knewton, the maker of test prep app that also provides analytics data about student performance, has released a thought-provoking infographic contending that the time is ripe for Web technologies to disrupt the education space. The graphic cites rapidly rising dropout rates in the U.S. as an indication that the status quo in education is failing, and it uses signs of growing adoption of Web technology to argue for that as the basis of a new approach. The infographic mixes analyst projections about future digital content trends with current usage data, as well as opinions from educators. Its point is that the old one-size-fits-all education model is not as well suited to growing up in the Web age as the custom fit that new technology allows. Yesterday, we wrote about new tools for enhancing lifelong education with Web technologies. This infographic describes the trends behind these developments.”
“Forget Sharpies and highlighters, the new back to school essentials this fall are apps for your iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. While cellphones used to be classroom contraband, the burgeoning market of educational apps means iOS devices are as welcome as loose leaf and pencils. This school year, free iOS apps can replace your pricey graphing calculator and clunky dictionary. Inexpensive planners will organize your homework, grades and finances. “
“Name: Karen Freberg
UofL title and department: assistant professor of strategic communication, Department of Communication
Short job description: Researcher and assistant professor in strategic communication
Why chose UofL: Great academic and research community, wonderful learning environment and great colleagues
Schools attended: University of Tennessee (PhD ’11), University of Southern California (MA ’07), University of Florida (BS ’05)
Hobbies/Activities: travel, cooking, working out and photography
Favorite book: “Pride & Prejudice” and Harrry Potter series (tie)
Favorite music: Toby Keith, Aerosmith and Brad Paisley, to name a few
Anything else you’d like people to know: Four-time All-American shot put (track and field); 2004 Olympic trials finalist in shot put.”