I am very excited to announce I will be presenting, along with my sister and fellow research collaborator Kristin, at the upcoming International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference in Orlando, FL. I am looking forward to attending the conference again as well as presenting our research on social media command centers in crisis situations.
I first went to this conference last year where I presented on a project I worked on with Kristin and two other fabulous researchers and professionals (Kathleen Vidoloff and Gina Eosco) on using value models for social media and crisis situations. We looked at the Hurricane Irene natural disaster that hit the East Coast of the USA back in August 2011.
Here is the updated presentation that discussed the research we did more thoroughly on the project. I thoroughly enjoyed the conference – it was dedicated to all aspects of crisis communications from leading researchers and practitioners from all over the world. I enjoyed the conversations and networking opportunities at the conference – and the organizers and everyone at UCF were amazing! Very organized and professional – really felt welcomed during the conference. If you are in crisis communications, this is a must-go to conference for both practitioners and researchers!
What is our research study focusing on for ICRC 2013? Well, we were brainstorming this past summer on potential trends and issues that we were seeing within the crisis communications field, and we realized that social media command centers were in the spotlight and focus not only for brands, but also for government agencies and PR agencies as well. Our study focuses on the particular characteristics associated with the command centers and what are some best practices in using these effectively. It has been a very exciting study to be part of and collaborate with Kristin on (who is first author on this project).
Kristin and I are looking forward to presenting our research in Orlando in the next couple of months! Hope you all are having a great day.
Best Wishes,