A recent study new study released earlier today by Oxygen Media and Lightspeed Research talks about how men and women use social media differently.  It was reported that the women that were surveyed said that the first thing that they do after they wake up is check their Facebook.  The results that were reported included men’s and women’s views on privacy, dating, and online behavior (ex. being friends with strangers and keeping tabs on “frenemies” among other activities).

I believe that these findings are interesting, and it does present many possible research questions for the future.  For example, why are women for example focusing on just checking their Facebook – why not their Twitter accounts?  Are these findings based on the type of individuals being surveyed?  What about those that are older than 18-34 years of age, or younger?  What are their online behaviors and perceptions of social media?

who's your frenemie?

-- WHO'S YOUR FRENEMIE?? -- CLICK on picture for definition of 'frenemie' Check out at http://www.bestfrenemiesforever.com/

Each of these statements that you see from this study makes me want to ask the question:  Why?  Why is it that these men and women feel that they have to keep tabs on their “frenemies”,” but they value their own online privacy?  Why did these individuals state that they would not post anything that would tarnish their reputation, but then post pictures of themselves drinking?  What are some of the factors that could be explored further to help explain what is going on with these young adults and social media?

Furthermore, this study does persume that this is the case for all young adults, and in every reseach study – you have to make sure to state that this may be the case in this particular sample of the population and can’t generalize the findings.

I would suggest that the next step in this research would be to 1) conduct further interviews with people in this age group and get more explanation and understanding about what is going on with their Facebook activities, 2) conduct the same interviews with those in other age groups to see if these activities are similar (younger and older generation), 3) Revise reseach intrument with new questions that came out of the interviews, and 4) we did this already in a study focusing on loneliness and college students (APS 2009 and ATINER 2009 Conferences)  – but this would be good to see if this is apparent in this population as well, maybe potentially explaining why people feel the need to be connected virtually online and with Facebook.

I don’t necessarily fit into the majority of the women in this study.  Even though I love social media (as my family and friends could tell you!), the first thing that I do in the morning is have coffee and my Jenny Craig Complete Start Cereal! 🙂  I check my emails and see what is going on various news sites and outlets.  After that – then I go on and check my Facebook. 🙂

Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Best Wishes,



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