Chic’ Business clothes.


First Aid Kit.

Got it!

Major heavy-duty insect repellent to get big African mosquitos

Are you kidding– OF COURSE!

That is right– the day has finally arrived!  I’m heading to South Africa tomorrow to begin my summer public relations internship.  I have been counting the days– this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! 🙂  Not only am I going to work for a great public relations firm, but I get to see a part of the world that is new and exciting! 🙂  Our group will first head to London (another place that I haven’t been to), and then to Cape Town.  It’s going to be about 20 hours of flying– but it will be all worth it! 🙂

I am going to still update my blog and web site from South Africa.  I will be posting what different things I will be doing along with some of my pictures (of course!).

As Queen Latifah said in the movie “Last Holiday”– make me look– INTERNATIONAL! 🙂

Queen Latifah in the movie

Have a great day!

Best Wishes,
