Some of the most every day activities are quite different in South Africa compared to the US. One of these activities has been going grocery shopping. We have a kitchen in our apartment, and I can’t have ostrich 24/7– Jenny would not approve! 🙂 So, I had to make sure that I needed to find the nearest grocery store at the Waterfront.
Grocery shopping in Cape Town is quite different from shopping in the US. The main grocery stores that I have gone to since I have been living at the Waterfront include Pick n Pay and Woolworth’s. Woolworth’s actually is a department store, but they also have a section that is a grocery store. Interesting! 🙂
Here are just some of the things that I have noticed so far during my stay in South Africa:
Paying for bags: Here in Cape Town, before you start buying your food, you have to buy the bags that they will be in. South Africa doesn’t have a recylcing system like the one we have, so they charge you extra for every bag that you get. It’s not expensive (24 cents). But I was like– wow!
Things that are cheaper in South Africa: I would say that cereal, fruit, and vegetables are a lot cheaper. I have been buying mostly frozen vegetables since I have been here in Cape Town. I do miss Dad’s salads though!!! 🙂
Things that are more expensive in South Africa: I would say that the most expensive food in South Africa is cheese by far– I am not sure why, but it is! Meat isn’t that bad, and you can get gum really cheap too! I have discovered Dentyne Strawberry gum– SO good!!! 🙂
Got Low Fat?: For my breakfast, I would have Jenny Craig’s Complete Start cereal with some strawberries. I realized very quickly that Jenny would have to understand that I was limited in the type of milk I could get. I could get fat free (which in SA means 2%!) or full fat– hmmmmmmm. I was like– hey, got low fat? How about skim milk? 😀
It’s been quite an food adventure for me in Cape Town, and I am enjoying every minute of it!
Have a great day!
Best Wishes,