It seems that there are only three reasons why track and field gets coverage in the mainstream media. The first is during major competitions such as the Olympics, World Championships, or the NCAAs. The other times are for not so positive things like doping scandals or athletes getting into trouble. Well, it seems that there is another track and field athlete off to jail. Tim Montgomery was sentenced to five years in prison today for trying to sell heroin. What was Montgomery’s response? Here is what he said:
“I was blind — I never had a job in my life. I did the wrong thing.”
Okay, let’s analyze this as a response. First, never having a job doesn’t excuse the fact that he broke the law and participated in illegal activity. And second– this really impacts Montgomery’s reputation and brand. But of course this is not the first time that Montgomery is in the news for negative reasons. He was linked to BALCO, and as a result was banned for two years. However, after he the ban was announced, he “retired” from track and field. Plus, he and his coach Steve Riddick(who is also serving time in prison) were linked to having stolen and counterfeit checks. And did I mention that he was also involved with Marion Jones, who also has served time in prison? It keeps getting better and better!
The battle continues for the image and reputation of track and field as a sport. There are athletes that have great performances, follow the rules, and are good people on and off the field. Then you have athletes like Montgomery and others that bring the sport down a peg or two. Personally, I think that Montgomery has done more damage to himself than just his reputation– and it is another example of an athlete that traded in his track uniform for the orange jumpsuit. Track and field does not need to have PR Nightmare athletes like Montgomery or Jones in the sport, or those on the sidelines like Riddick.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,