One of the things I have tried to do over the years is to continue evolving my blog and my online presence. I am still amazed that it was 16 years ago when I started my website – wow! The website has transformed over the years from being a Val Kilmer fan site (yes- totally guilty of that! But hey, I was in high school! :)) to becoming a platform to market myself as a student athlete in track and field.

Here I am competing at USC in 2006
After finishing up my eligibility in track at USC in 2006, I felt that my website needed to be extended, and that is where my blog was created.
I have always been a fan of blogging – I share this with fellow colleagues of mine as well as my students. It is an important platform to express your insights, thoughts, and commentary about issues and trends you are passionate and interested in. Plus, as I have shared with my students, it is a great way to practice your writing. The way you learn how to write is by writing, writing, and writing some more.
For me, my blog has served a purpose for me to write about public relations, crisis communications, and social media. Of course, I have the chance to write about fabulous topics such as my travel adventures, food creations by my family, and other interests of mine.

My new role as Dr. Freberg 2.0 at the University of Louisville
So, almost six years after I first created my blog (wow! Time does fly!), I felt that again the need to extend it further. I have launched a Facebook Page for my blog. Fabulous! This will be an opportunity not only to share posts that I have written here on my blog, but also to interact with others, discuss current issues and trends, and share articles and posts that would be useful for others.
Feel free to visit my Facebook page and I am looking forward to hearing your insights and comments. This is just another extension in social media, and I am looking forward to the next steps this takes for my blog.
I hope you all are having a wonderful day.
Best Wishes,