Ah, my first day back from my fabulous trip in Amsterdam! I am still getting used to being back on the East Coast, but that is all good! It was a busy day for me – I had to get a few things in order for my upcoming trip, but I also had to make sure that I mailed off my gifts to Mom, Dad, and Karla from Amsterdam.
Before I left for the Netherlands, I had asked my family members what exactly they would like in terms of gifts from the Netherlands. Dad said that he wanted a cookbook, Mom wooden shoes, and Karla wanted something with animals, and Kristin wanted a gift from Heineken. Well – I was very successful in this task! I actually got Dad two cookbooks – one in English, and the other in Dutch. I am definitely looking forward to what Dad will make – I am sure that it will be fabulous as always! I got Mom her wooden shoes – but I also brought back some speculaas (her FAVORITE cookies) and some Gouda cheese (YUM!). I got Karla a couple of items and Kristin a couple of gifts from Heineken. So, hopefully everyone will like the gifts that I got them from the Netherlands!
I am still amazed with all that I did while I was at the Reputation Institute Conference. It was absolutely amazing – I got to listen to many fantastic presentations and meet new friends from all over the world – it was a wonderful opportunity.
Now, I will be leaving to present at my third conference in three weeks (wow – that is a lot of traveling and presenting!) in Athens, Greece. I am very excited about this wonderful opportunity. I will first be flying to Munich and then to Athens. I will be presenting on the first day of the conference, so that will give me a chance to play tourist for a couple of days around the historic and beautiful city of Athens. I will be in Athens with Mom for a week for our conference – so exciting!!!
Another reason why I am very excited about this trip is that I am going to be seeing my sister Kristin. It has been since October that I have seen her since she left for her second tour in Iraq. She has always been one of my heroes and I look up to her for her bravery, kindness, and generousity. She is truly an inspiration to me – and I am really looking forward to seeing her in a few days.
Well, I better go and start getting packed! Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,