In public relations, we talk about how corporations and individuals take to new technology to promote a new campaign or issue (ex. Election 2008) or to discuss a new product that is being released (ex. Apple and iPhone). Technology increases to change, and public relations professionals have to adapt their strategies and tactics to make sure that they are communicating effectively and reaching out to their key publics.

When we think about products and campaigns, we usually assume that this means a new car design, phone, or other new must-have gadget. But what about promoting books by using new social networking technologies? A great case in point is of Dr. John Cacioppo and Mr. William Patrick. Both Dr. Cacioppo and Mr. Patrick are using innovative ways to promote their new book “Science of Loneliness” through new technologies. Besides having a web site dedicated for their book, they have launced their own Facebook group page for their book, which includes posts and discussion threads pertaining to the book, pictures of book signing events and presentations, the official “Science of Loneliness” blog, but also the issue of loneliness.
By promoting their book online on these social networking web sites, it does several things. First, it allows interaction between those in the psychology academic community (students, faculty, researchers) an opportunity to communicate with the authors directly. This is a wonderful opportunity to directly talk with those that are in the field and get their insights and feedback on the book (promoting two-way communication). Second, not only are Dr. Cacioppo and Mr. Patrick promoting their new book, but their own personal brands as researchers and scholars as well. Plus, these individuals are part of the target audience for Dr. Cacioppo and Mr. Patrick because they are in the psychology field and academics.
Another thing that makes this case so unique is the fact that not many academics or book publishers in the field of psychology have taken to these new technologies, and this is what separates Dr. Cacioppo and Mr. Patrick from others in the academic community. They are proactively looking at the overall picture and industry. They are determining who are some of their key audiences are, and reaching out to them in a new media outlet. I think that it is a very good campaign move that is innovative and strategic. Keep up the great work Dr. Cacioppo and Mr. Patrick!
I hope everyone is having a great day!
Best Wishes,