2012 is going to be a big year for our family – my older sister Kristin is getting married this summer to a wonderful digital artist named Scott!  I am super happy for Kristin and Scott – they are such a cute couple! 🙂

Kristin & Scott - Engaged to be Married!

With this being said – I will be the maid of honor at the wedding. Super excited! 🙂 So, this is going to mark my first wedding inspiration and event planning post on my blog.  PR and event / wedding planning do go hand in hand – many of my PR friends have gotten married over the years and it has been wonderful to see their creativity and personalized details of their wedding celebrations.  From the ceremony to the reception to even activities such as engagement photos, bridal parties, and many more fabulous activities.

Kristin has started a new and fabulous blog titled “A Happy Ever After” discussing her wedding inspiration via social media on sites like Facebook and Pinterest to name a few. It has been great to see other sites that have been useful for coming up with ideas on what to not only think about in terms of preparing for a wedding – but what other fabulous items that need to be there.  Here are a few things that Kristin has done so far for her wedding that I think is totally fab!

  • Unique and memorable invitations:  Kristin came up with the idea of having the invitations appear like they were messages in the bottle – and they were individually sent to each of the guests for the wedding.  Here is where Kristin ordered hers from.
  • Thinking about the accents:  The little details are what really make a wedding feel personalized and welcoming – and Kristin is certainly doing this with making sure that she has gifts and tokens for the guests that represent Scott and her as a couple.
  • Foodie inspirations:  We come from a family of foodies – and food is definitely a priority!  There are so many great things to consider for the food – especially for dessert bars and cupcakes / cakes.  It is all fabulous!  My friend Nicole has a great website with so many wonderful posts about this topic and many more that I have shared with Kristin in her wedding preparation.  I can see the beauty of a dessert buffet! 🙂
  • Getting organized:  I had no idea that there was so much to plan for in a wedding – but Kristin has shared with me all of the elements she has to consider and it is a lot!  However, organization is key and so it is great to create a wedding binder to keep things all straight. Maybe they have an app for that. 🙂
  • Starting a Pinterest Inspiration Board:  Kristin is cutting edge when it comes to the new visual social networking site by using it to pin pictures for inspiration for her wedding.  She wrote a great blog post about it on her new blog.
  • Color, color, and more fabulous color!:  Color does mean a lot for the wedding -and Kristin picked out some great colors for the wedding.  I do approve of them most definitely – especially since I love social media, so it is perfect! 🙂
  • To social media or not to social media – that is the question: Will there be tweets allowed during the ceremony?  Will there be an official hashtag for the event?  What about the role of FB in wedding preparation and proper etiquette?  These are all topics Kristin will be sharing on her blog – stay tuned for more!

In summary, I am really excited for both Kristin and Scott on their big day – and it has been fun to see the creative and personalized touches they are putting together for this momentous event.  It’s really great to be part of this – and I know that I will most likely have to have waterproof mascara on the wedding day. 🙂  Congratulations again to my sister Kristin and Scott on their engagement, and let the wedding planning continue!

Hope you all are having a great day!

Best Wishes,
