Me chasing my meal,,, or so says my sister Karla!

Well, my sister Karla thought she would tease me with this nice drawing. She thinks of me as a poodle chasing poor South Afican Game for my dinner! 🙂 Part of it is true, I have munched on everything in this picture and more!

I did have a wonderful visit to  Stellenbosch  that I talked about in a  previous post  and I have put up a page of some of the pictures I have taken during that experience; including the South African women’s hammer throwing champion, Karin ( Karin’s parents produce  “Clairvaux”  extraordinary wines) , and great wineries — like  Nelson Creek  and Beyerskloof  and a wonderful place to eat called  Moyo’s!  Hmmm, I guess I do think about good food quite a lot! I also do enjoy cooking, so it comes by naturally.

Here are my latest pictures!

Karen 🙂