I have seen many posts so far in the last couple of weeks of various sources and sites that will be popular to review and follow for the upcoming year in 2013. From social media blogs to public relations professionals, there are many lists that are developing in preparation for the new year. However, what about sites for crisis communications? Who are the professionals we should be aware of for 2013? Well, I have compiled my list of professionals specializing in crisis communications that I will be following for the upcoming year and will be sharing with my students in my various classes as well. Here is my list:
- Melissa Agnes: I first met Melissa through Twitter and we have had some great conversations and exchanges particularly surrounding the issue of social media and crisis communications. Melissa is extremely active and responsive across all social media platforms to address questions, comments, and reaching out to new audiences. Melissa shares great content and is very strategic with her contributions to the social media and crisis community. Plus, she is a coffee fan and has created some amazing looking lattes!
Make sure to follow her on Twitter and bookmark her blog as well.
- Chris Syme: Chris and I have corresponded as well through Twitter but also on Pinterest as well – she is definitely a must follow on Pinterest for her great contributions and shares of awesome crisis and social media inforgraphics. Chris also highlights emerging trends in crisis through all of the various social media platforms ranging from research to infographics to insightful blog posts. Another great crisis communicator to follow as well!
- Jonathan Bernstein: A great crisis manager and consultant in the business – Jonathan shares timely and relevant information across social media platforms on Twitter and LinkedIn as well. I had the chance to first correspond with Jonathan on Twitter and met him on The Crisis Show. Great personality, enthusiastic about crisis, and a great crisis pro to follow.
- Rich Klein: Rich is a great crisis professional who is not only actively engaged on social media, but has launched along with Melissa and Jonathan “The Crisis Show,” a weekly show on Google+ focusing on current case studies and trends in crisis communications. I had the chance to meet Rich also online and have talked to him on several occasions on the show. Great contribution to the crisis community – keep up the great work, Rich!
- Kim Stephens: A must follow professional who is actively engaged in social media and emergency management. Her iDisaster blog is a great resource for current analysis on various crisis situations and case studies. Very engaged with the #smem community on Twitter as well. Definitely a professional to follow to gain insight and wonderful information about crisis communications!
- Patrice Cloutier: Another great crisis professional with a great blog, active Twitter feed of relevant crisis information, and a very active and engaged user on Pinterest. He shares wonderful resources on the visual bookmarking site from articles, videos, and infographics relevant to crisis communications. Thanks for sharing these with all of us and keep up the great work, Patrice!
In summary, all of these professionals share certain characteristics in common with each other. They are experts in the field of crisis communications, are actively engaged and on the forefront of emerging technologies, and are all helping advance the practice and research in the crisis community. Plus, I have had a chance to talk and correspond with everyone listed here as well – and everyone is very professional and generous in sharing their insights with others.
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,