What a week this has been! 

As I mentioned before, we started classes last Monday (it was also a great day for the Florida Gators– congrats!) :).  When you’ve been off for about 5 weeks, going back to class is really a shocker!  I look back at the times I was at Florida and I can’t imagine how I got to my 8 a.m. classes!  I am still a morning person– but only to a certain point! 🙂  I guess that is what happens when you get into graduate school! 🙂

Also, I finally finished all of my Ph.D. applications.  That’s right– I am going on for more school! 🙂  I’m excited about it and I am looking forward to seeing where I will end up.  I have to thank Mom and Dad for that– growing up, it was never “if” I go and get my bachelor’s degree– it was more like “Okay, after you get your bachelor’s and master’s degree, what other graduate degrees can you get?  A Ph.D?  An M.B.A?  What about an M.D.?”  So– thanks Mom and Dad for your support! 🙂

I have also been working on a little thing called a thesis.  80 pages now– wow!  And this is only the first draft! 🙂  I really don’t know how many hours I have spent writing on it, but it’s been fun and interesting! 🙂

Other than that– things are going well for USC Track and Field.  Outdoor track and field is only a few months away!  It’ll be here in no time.  This will be interesting for me because instead of being a competitor, I will be able to watch the meets! 🙂 

Anyway, hope you all is going well and have a great day!

Best Wishes,



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