Whenever I have to go to the doctor, there are certain things that I expect to hear, like to make sure that I take my prescription, rest, and all of that jazz. But what if I was told that I had to play video games for a couple of hours? I would be like– bring it on!
For my family, video games have been a HUGE part of our lives! I basically grew up with video games– from the first Nintendo to the Wii– they are a lot of fun! They are not only a fun activity to do, but they bring the family together!
And according to an article from Yahoo! News, physical therapists are prescribing their patients to play games on the Wii gaming system. What is great about the Wii system is the fact that you have to move your arms around to control the actions in a particular game, and it makes sense for these patients to use this to help their treatment. The Wii games provide patients with an opportunity to use their muscles in a fun and entertaining activity.
This is a huge PR strategy and angle for both Nintendo and Wii for many reasons. First, this is a audience that might have not been in their core audience group of teenagers or young adults. The age range for these patients are a bit older than their core audience, but they are still a large group to consider. Another impact of this strategy is the fact that if doctors and therapists prescribe their patients to play the Wii system specifically, this is a huge endorsement for Nintendo. How are their competitors going to compete with that? Not easily. This is a great PR opportunity for Nintendo for so many ways– it is an interesting aspect of their product and will reach even a larger audience than before.
Anyway, as soon as I finish my finals for my first semester of my Ph.D. (woo hoo!), I know what I will be doing on my Christmas break! Bring it on!
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Best Wishes,