I have been told that the St. George Hotel in Athens is THE place to stay – and this is where my research conference in Athens is being held at! I am very impressed with their web site – not only do you get a chance to see what the hotel offers to its visitors in terms of services, spectacular views, and accommodations – but they are very involved with social media! There is a page dedicated to sharing information about the hotel on Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube to name a few. You can also be a fan of the hotel on Facebook and a virtual tour – very cool! I believe that the St. George hotel is cutting edge in their public relations efforts – they are strategic, innovative, and creative in reaching out to their target publics. I am looking forward to my time at the St. George Hotel.
Another great thing that I am excited about this trip is that I will get to see Kristin for the first time since she came out to visit me in October. Kristin is on her second tour in Iraq, and it is going to be a wonderful family reunion. I am SO excited!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,