Karen's Mushroom Cookies

Karen's Mushroom Cookies! CLICK on this picture above to see our very fun family recipe!

Here is what I am reading today:

“Media and entertainment companies have long accused Web users of infringing copyright by sharing music or movies on peer-to-peer networks, or by reposting newspaper articles on blogs and other sites. But the tables were turned on Thursday when accusations flew that a traditional magazine, Cook’s Source, had lifted a blogger’s article.”

“What may sound like buzz words or mere hype, is actually the beginning of the end of business as usual. Welcome to the rise of the social consumer and a new era of social commerce. Look at the picture above and think about how physical and online stores can integrate the social graph into the shopping experience right now. The possibilities are limitless and we can introduce everything today.”

“It’s hard to keep up with all the tools available to help maximise Twitter and other social media platforms. But, over the last few months I’ve been testing some of the new ones I’ve stumbled across, getting a feel for the ones that have the potential to be the most useful. Here are the ones I’ll probably use more over the next 12 months and perhaps you might give ’em a whirl too…”

“Students learning online do not want to feel isolated. But they do not necessarily want to see their instructors, chat with classmates, or make friends, either. That is what online education officials at National-Louis University, a private nonprofit college in Chicago, found when they surveyed online students about they like to see an online instructor do.”

“Jamie Turner is the chief content officer of the 60 Second Marketer, the online magazine for BKV Digital and Direct Response. He is also the co-author of “How to Make Money with Social Media” now available at fine bookstores (and a few not-so-fine bookstores) everywhere. First the bad news: If you’re going to calculate the ROI of your social media campaign, you’re going to have to know math. That may come as a disappointment to people who thought social media was only about accumulating Twitter followers or monitoring Facebook “Likes,” but it’s true. The future of social media is about math, metrics and monetization”………