vote today

Have you voted today? I have!

Here are some of the stories I am following today:

“Brand of the Year: Old Spice, for the highly successful social media campaign conducted in conjunction with Weiden + Kennedy that re-energized this 70-year-old brand for a new generation and a new female audience

 Innovation of the Year: FourSquare, for its mobile application that makes cities easier to use and more interesting to explore. FourSquare is a friend-finder, a social city guide and a game that challenges users to experience new things, and rewards them for doing so.

 Visionaries of the Year: Foursquare co-founders Dennis Crowley and Naveen Selvadurai for developing a mobile application that connects people to each other in new ways.”

“Typically when businesses decide they need to hire someone, they want to hire as soon as possible. So, time is of the essence in getting the position filled (with the right person, of course). When a single open job listing can yield hundreds of candidates, being able to manage the recruiting process becomes key.”

“Guy Kawasaki and Robert Scoble have vastly different philosophies when it comes to gathering Twitter followers”