Going to a conference doens't have to be boring! Here I am dancing in Athens, Greece !
Here is what I am reading today:
“Newsrooms around the world have been carrying images of the earthquake in Japan from the moments after it struck. While the disaster itself lasted only a few minutes, the recovery operation will continue for months. Dan Simmons looks at how, following a natural disaster, the internet is becoming an essential tool for survivors and rescuers alike.”
“Still in the throes of a nuclear disaster, Japanese residents need reliable information about radiation levels throughout the country. Now a website was just started to crowdsource radiation data collected by private citizens.”
“Coca Cola is going to try something very innovative this weekend when they team up with the band Maroon 5 to engage with thousands of fans as they crowdsource a song for charity. At the event, the band will write and record a brand new song in just 24hrs, inviting fans from across the world to inspire them throughout the process.”
“Who would win in a fight? Real-time, face-to-face networking or online social media marketing?
Well, neither one, silly. They are truly an equal match in what they can each achieve and deliver as you brand yourself in person, and then present who you are and your business DNA online!
I’m going to be honest..There was a time, when my business was just fledgling, when my confidence level wasn’t quite where it should be in regards to my representation of my product, social media marketing and monsulting. I was a wee bit anxious about getting out there with my elevator pitch and promoting myself and my platform in front of potential clients. However, with continued growth, endless hours of training modules, and diving in and building my own online networks, I knew when it was “high time” to push my office chair back, get out from behind my monitor and go “Crowd Diving” as a friend of mine calls it!”