target practice

target practice isn't quite step aerobics but can be challenging!

Here are a few stories for today:

“We don’t want to update our status on FB/Twitter/Foursquare/LinkedIn/ThirdTribe/OWN/etc. We want to connect on maybe two or three networks tops. One or two of these will remain the “commons” services like Facebook or Twitter. The rest of people’s interactions are going to fall into smaller communities, often private or self-selected in some way. As a PR professional, your role is to help get attention, to get the story out there, to get people interested via your efforts. The small bites approach to this will be to reach them at the commons, and/or to possibly create some of these self-selected communities. The difference, however, is that it won’t be okay to create the “AXE Shampoo community.” Even though I use their shampoo, I don’t want to talk about washing my hair.”

“It’s that time of year when us pundits make bold predictions about upcoming trends in 2011. I had considered putting on my Nostradamus cap and making some reputation management predictions, but then I discovered my fellow reputationista Dr. Leslie Gaines-Ross had already staked-out that turf!”

“Since Malcolm Gladwell began popularizing his “Tipping Point” theory 14 years ago, marketers have fantasized about a world in which they can identify a small number of influential folks who can credibly, effectively and cheaply push product for them. In the ’90s, that meant makers of the “dead chic” Hush Puppies brand had to channel their inner Margaret Meads and go on “cool hunts” to trendy shops to understand how their oxfords had become suddenly stylish. These days, faced with similar challenges, they might just try to get people with large Twitter followings to post about it. Which would be a really bad idea.”


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