Shopping at the Olde Port Fish Market in Avila Beach, California... CLICK on the picture to visit!

Here is what I am reading today:

“Online education is often dismissed as a pipeline for expensive degrees of little value and a sponge for veterans’ tuition payments. But while it’s true that for-profit universities have made a hefty business out of e-learning, it’s becoming apparent that learning online can also benefit almost everyone else.”

More than 275,000 miles, 186 countries and 365 days after embarking on Expedition 206 — Coca-Cola’s largest social-media project ever — the company’s three “happiness ambassadors” have completed their journey.”

“Are you ready to launch a blog or ramp up your existing one? Here are 26 tips to help you on your blogging journey: Add pictures, visuals, and images to your posts to communicate with readers on different levels. Be the solution.  Help people solve their problems. Solve, don’t sell.”

“2010 was the start of the rapid technological evolution for Social Commerce – as they say the future of Social Media. It was the year where Facebook started to roll out its so-called F-commerce that created a piece of this world’s biggest social network into an e-commerce site.”

“Remember how, as a child, you threw screaming tantrums when your prize of choice slipped through the metallic fingers of those claw machine games? Well, now you can reclaim your youth by testing out “The Santa Claw,” a mammoth claw game you can play from the privacy of your computer.”

“You may be familiar with the customer decision journey, if only how the idea relates to your own process of  hunting, gathering, weighing and measuring.  There have been some really interesting posts over the past 6-12 months discussing the evolution of the traditional sales funnel into a new framework that reflects information accessibility, technology ubiquity, and the manner in which our culture has rapidly shifted to actively seek and consume bits of media through myriad of channels.   Facing a new year, the way marketers used to think and act, and the way consumers (myself included) are behaving now started me thinking.  Where does the real opportunity lay for customer-centric brands in the future?  We have to start by looking at behaviors.  I thought it made sense to categorize them with the letter C.”

“There are more than a trillion URLs in Google’s index. Yes, that’s a one with twelve zeros after it. And Google crossed that milestone two and a half years ago. With so many sites on the web in 2011, how do you know which to pay attention to?”