the beautiful university of Tennessee

the beautiful University of tennessee

Here is what I am reading today:

read what some think were the best articles of 2010… do you agree?

“Yesterday, ReadWriteWeb reported on the findings from Pew Internet and American Life Project’s latest study regarding the Internet content people are willing to pay for. The result? People are willing to pay for quite a bit. In fact, 65% said they paid for some form of content – whether it was music, games, news, software, e-books or something else entirely.”

Here’s an odd problem: it turns out 62% of the Fortune 50 — some of the biggest marketers on the planet — are optimized in some way for mobile, be it with mobile websites, apps, payment systems, SMS/texting or QR codes, but you would never know it. That’s because only 39% actually say anything about it. Seriously! That’s what we found in a new study, “Fortune 50 Use of Mobile: If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It,” conducted by PR giant Burson-Marsteller, and my employer, WPP-owned Proof Integrated Communications.”