Our "Social Media SLAM" Activity in Knoxville
Here are my readings for today:
Pop quiz: who makes a fatter annual income?
Nuclear techs or elevator repairmen? How about power plant operators or funeral directors? Urban planners or high school art teachers?
The correct answers may surprise you.
“Many small business owners I encounter are either too busy for social media, or they don’t truly understand Facebook, Foursquare, or Twitter. So they choose to delegate these tools to interns or specialists. This may not always be in the best interest of the company.”
“With the benefit of smartphones and the mobile internet, many moms are now running their households on the go, relying on technology to keep them organized and connected wherever their busy lives take them.”
“Last week I posted on the feature article I penned for the current issue of Chief Content Officer … and this week I’m launching the expanded paper which serves as a seminal guide—and a must-have road map forB2B marketers—along with a new website”
“UberMedia, which owns several popular applications that interface with Twitter, is outlining plans to build a social network that could compete with that popular microblogging platform, said three people who were briefed on the plans.”
“While social media’s acceptance by and importance to the consumer has ramped up rather quickly, those who believed it had relevance to digital marketing were thought to be making a mountain out of a molehill. Well, that molehill has turned out to be more like Everest. A social-media strategy has clearly become a marketing must-have. These days, marketing channels, platforms, and tools that lack a social component–some way for consumers to actively engage with your brand–are probably doomed to failure. But what worked this time last year might not work today, for this is a rapidly shifting landscape that must be mapped out regularly. ”