"On Second Thought" by Wray Herbert CLICK on the above picture to read more about this outstanding author!
Here are some interesting readings for today:
twitter mood shows America’s emotions
“The researchers at Northeastern University in Boston used a form of ‘sentiment analysis’, identifying keywords that indicate pleasure or displeasure, to work out how happy or sad the tweets were.”
the biggest corporate image catastrophies
“It is a dubious testament to the well-greased PR machine of the corporate world that the general public tends to accept all manner of corporate malfeasance and blundering with barely a second look. But despite spending millions of dollars on PR, some companies still manage to muddy their reputations with tone-deaf responses to trouble. Let’s look at some of the most egregious PR offenders of recent days.
fcc and fda take steps to encourage invesment and innovation in wireless medical technologies
(pdf) “Moving forward on recommendations from the National Broadband Plan and Congress in March, the leaders of two federal agencies….”
” But just because the traps are not life-threatening does not mean they aren’t life-changing.”