SMI Capital

My publication in Public Relations Review is 'getting a lot of play'! CLICK on the picture to reead the abstract

Here are a few readings for today:

“Data management and rapid application deployment solutions company TigerLogic has just launched PostPost, a real-time “social newspaper” that’s created from the links, photos and videos your friends share on Facebook. In essence, what PostPost does is take your Facebook newsfeed, but presents it in a way that is more manageable. PostPost also uses the Yolink search API to help you find context and backlinks within your paper.”

M86 Security, the global expert in real-time Web and email threat protection, today released a new white paper analyzing the impact that social media websites are having on businesses today. Addressing one of the most timely and pressing issues facing corporate IT and HR teams — the rise in social media usage in the workplace — the new M86 white paper aims to help organizations leverage social media to their advantage, while keeping employees productive and their networks safe through the implementation of “Acceptable Use Policies” (AUPs).”

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange arrested in London, Malicious links spreading on Twitter, and after more than 24 hours Tmblr is back on-line!

“It used to be that when you wanted to find a good restaurant, you phoned a friend. Or, if you were on a vacation, you asked the front desk, leafed through a brochure or looked out the car window. But in today’s wired world, it’s quickly becoming the social norm to ask Google, Yahoo, Yelp or a host of other sites questions like: “Where should I eat?” Or just simply state: “hungry in ‘X.’””