Yes, it is that time again ladies and gentleman– football season is here at last! Very exciting! It is a time to see some great athletes play a game that everyone loves! I have a feeling that I am going to be watching a lot of football this season– I have to support all of my teams!
A fellow Ph.D. classmate made a comment to me about the fact that all of the schools that I went to (Florida, USC, and UT) all have REALLY good football teams!
Just looking at the rankings now, they are all in the top 20 in the country! Pretty neat!
What I find interesting during this time is the amount of PR that football teams do to prepare for the upcoming football season. There are interviews to be done, press releases with key information for boosters, fans, and the media to have for the game, and making sure that everyone is prepared and ready to go. I have been very impressed with the way that Pete Carroll conducts his interviews and press conferences– keep up the great work! Since I have been here in Knoxville, I have quickly realized how large football is in Tennessee. It’s amazing and really neat!
I am looking forward to going to some of the home football games!
USC is starting off and playing Idaho, while Tennessee heads off to play Cal. Florida also starts their season playing Western Kentucky. Should be fun to watch! Mom and Dad are going to head down to see the USC game tomorrow– very neat!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,