It is amazing to see how fast the web is changing. From web sites to social networking sites, and how we communicate with each other. Another interesting and fascinating evolution that is happening in terms of public relations is integrating various strategies, messages, and reputation / personality characteristics into the virtual world.
For example, there is an interesting web site that I thought was very unique because it was able incorporating images, messages, and interaction with its users. The web site is called The Bar, and you are introduced to a virtual character named “Jack,” who talks with you about the various drinks that you can get at a bar– from margaritas to vodka to cosmopolitans! The stories that he tells are quite entertaining and memorable! But the unique thing is that you can interact with Jack by asking him questions, and he answers. The web site also provides brand information about each product, the story behind the drinks, and ideas for special occasions.
This is a great web site to show the evolution of a proactive strategy in public relations. It is a web site that provides a two-way communication channel with its users, provides a lot of information about its brands and products, and it’s a web site that looks sophisticated and current / chic. These interactive and innovative web sites show the changing PR environment, and how we as PR professionals need to not only incorporate these interactive sites into our PR programs, but we have to known how to design and use them. Technology in communication will always be there, and we have to be early adapters to be the most effective. Also, I don’t drink, but I thought that The Bar web site is entertaining, colorful, upbeat, and overall a great way to learn about the different brands. Check it out!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,