One of the things that I have done since retiring from track and field has to change some things. I am currently on Jenny Craig, so that is helping me lose weight and teach me food portion control. Since I am going into the field of public relations, image and appearance is key to have– because you are not only representing an organization, but you are representing a brand as well. Another aspect of this overall process is changing my wardrobe and makeup.

Today, I got a chance to do this and I learned a lot while having a GREAT time! 🙂

Mom and Dad (aka “Nigel”) and I went to Rodeo Drive and did some shopping. USC Track and Field is having their annual banquet next week, and I wanted to get a new outfit for the occasion. We went to Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman-Marcus, and what can I say– it was fabulous!

As a thrower, you have to be strong and muscular, and throw that little iron ball far! There was no way that I would have ever thought that I would get into designer clothes, but today– it was the first time that I did. 🙂 It was really exciting for me. 🙂 I have to thank my fashion team of “Nigel” and “Miranda”– they made the magic happen! Thanks! 🙂

her job or her sanity.

At Neiman-Marcus, I got a wonderful opportunity to spend time with a sophisticated makeup artist from Shu Uemura, a makeup company that is very high quality. The makeup artist asked me while giving me my lesson if I ever had a facial– and I was like, what? You mean having some mud on your neck after throwing the shot put doesn’t do wonders to your face? 🙂 Anyway, she really gave me some great tips and ideas on what I can do everyday. I was very impressed! 🙂 After getting a makeup lesson, we got some of their products and they are excellent. From cleansing foam to an eyelash curler– I got them all! 🙂

To sum it all up, my main point is this– there IS life after being an athlete! 🙂 And when you are done– you can continue to look fabulous in designer clothes and start on a new chapter of your life! So– bring on Prada!

Have a great day!

Best Wishes,



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