Welcome back to School!
Things have gotten pretty busy for me! Why? I started school on Monday and I am almost done with my Master’s! Time goes by fast! I started off with going to my Media Strategies class on Monday. This class specifically is about what organizations do to launch an event, develop campaigns, and what tactics are used during a crisis.
Tuesday I got to go to my International PR class. This summer, I will get to spend two months in an internship in Capetown. I am really excited! Tonight, I had my Sports PR class– which will be a lot of FUN!! I wanted to take this class last year, but I am really happy that I get a chance to take it now!
So basically, I am done with the week! I know– it’s hard to go to class only three days a week! But I am having a great time at USC and I believe that great things will happen in 2007!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,