Hello from Athens!!

Me and Kristin at the Temple of Zeus
That is right – I am in the lovely city of Athens in fabulous Greece. So far, my trip has been absolutely amazing. I had to fly out of Knoxville to Charlotte, North Carolina, where I took a flight to Munich. I have never been to Munich before, so I was very excited about it. I arrived early in the morning in Munich and had to re-check in for my flight to Athens. I am glad that I had some down time to have some fabulous breakfast (an afflebison – yum!) and then I was off to Athens. I got to Athens Saturday afternoon and took a taxi to the St. George Hotel – and I was greeted by Kristin! It was so good to see her after seven months! We headed off to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner, but we had to stop and take some fabulous pictures of the Temple of Zeus. Walking around the streets of Athens, you do get a sense to its history, culture, and overall environment. I find it amazing to see the tall buildings, and then you see the temples, and it really takes your breath away.
1st day’s pictures — arriving & walking and walking!
2nd day in pictures — our presentation, dancing and great food!
3rd day in pictures — last conference day with a lot more!
4th day in pictures — Temple of Poseidon, Olympic Stadium, Acropolis, Athena
UPDATE: 5th day in pictures — the three island tour!
Mom arrived really early in the morning (she had a long layover in Zurich), and it was a mini family reunion. Yesterday we walked all over Athens – and the views were just spectacular! I am not sure how much we walked, but we were out for at least five hours touring around the city! So, what is up next for us? Well, the main reason I am here in Athens is to present at the Athens Institute for Education and Research Conference in a few hours. Well, it is a few hours on Greece time. I am very excited about this opportunity – this is going to be my third research conference in three weeks – I think that it may be a record! One of the neat things about this conference is that it is very interactive and interdisciplinary – we have psychologists presenting along with communication experts and economists. Plus, it is a great way to do some international networking – we are going to have many social occasions to do this – from having a traditional Greek dinner to touring around the Greek Islands – it is going to be very neat!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Best Wishes,