I have always enjoyed animals– in all shapes and sizes and types. There are some that I like more than others of course. One of the things that I feel that one place that is really interesting and fun to go to would be zoos. Growing up, my family and I would go to the zoo and see the animals. Whether it was in New York or in Los Angeles, all offer a different and wonderful experience for its visitors. There is one here in Knoxville that is really nice as well.

My Pandas!!!

Another reason to go to zoos, especially in other countries, is to see the animals that the country is known for. When my family and I went to Australia, we of course had to see kangaroos and koala bears (they are so cute!), and we also went to Tasmania, and saw real Tasmania Devils. I remember thinking that I was going to see Taz (what can I say– I was only 10! :)) and I was like– these guys are not like Taz! And when I was in South Africa, I got a chance to see most of the Big Five Animals at Kruger (Elephant, Lion, Water Buffalo, Rhino, and Leopard). The only one that I didn’t get to see was the leopard. 🙁 But I did get to pet a cheetah– which was both awesome and scary at the same time! 🙂

So– one of the things that Kristin and I got to do when we were in China was go to the Beijing Zoo. It was really neat and it was a couple of blocks away from the Summer Place. We wanted to go and see Pandas– but they were renovating their area for the Olympics and were moved. 🙁 But– we did get plenty of pictures of the other residents of the zoos from tigers to elephants to lots and lots of monkeys! Plus, we did get some panda gifts. I got myself a Panda bracelet– these bracelets can be found at any shop in Beijing and they are handcrafted and painted with various designs. I really like mine, and it has pandas on it! 🙂

Speaking of Pandas– if you want to go and see a great movie– I highly recommend going to see Jack Black’s “Kung Fu Panda” movie– it’s really cute! 🙂 The animation was really great, and it was fun to see the similarities in the buildings that were in the movie from what Kristin and I saw on our trip! 🙂

Hope you all are having a great day! 🙂

Best Wishes,


1 Comment

Vix · June 8, 2008 at 7:08 am

I always liked animals too, and seeing them in a zoo is a wonderful experience. I also like drawing pictures of animals as well. My favorite animal is the fox, of course.

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