wheat thins surprised one lucky fan with this! I hope my mother never hears about this! It could be worse, Bumble Bee could drop a pallet to my parents of my dad's favorite two-layer King Oscar Sardines
Here is something fun for today!
Food brands get sociable on facebook and twitter!
“The number of advertisers with presences in the social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are increasing faster than the lines at the supermarket when the values of the cents-off coupons are being tripled. Now, two familiar brands of baked goods sold by Kraft Foods are stepping up their marketing efforts in social media. One brand, Oreo cookies, is going to be giving its Facebook page a global look, effective on Monday. The other brand, Wheat Thins crackers, is starting a campaign to reward fans of the brand who discuss it on Twitter.”
Yes, I think my dad ‘friended’ King Oscar!