It seems that the summer is finally coming to a close, and school will be starting shortly. I will be having one busy fall semester – but it is all good! I will be taking two additional classes for my program and I am scheduled to be taking my comprehensive exams early next year. I will also be teaching two classes this fall as well. One class will be a PR Case Studies course, and the other will be an online course for West Virginia University for their IMC Master’s program. I am really excited about the upcoming months!
But before I embark on my third-year doctoral student at the University of Tennessee and fifth-year as a graduate student (wow!) – I got the chance to come home and visit with my family. It has been great to see Mom, Dad, and Karla at home and be able to relax and catch my breath before starting the upcoming semester. We have done a lot of fun activities from making S’mores around our firepit, fishing at Avila Beach, going to see the new Harry Potter movie, making some amazing fiber and oat bars (quite tasty and yummy), having Dad’s amazing meals (the appleflaps this year were DELICIOUS!!!), and spending some quality time with family.
I am very lucky to have a wonderful family – my parents are the best, and my sisters are absolutely the best that I could ever ask for. It is going to be really special to have all of us home for Christmas to celebrate – we are all really looking forward to Kristin’s safe return home and we are thankful for her bravery and courage serving our country proudly.
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Best Wishes,