I have noticed several things when talking to guys that seems to get their attention– and ladies, I say this with a word of caution! 🙂  Be careful with this!! 🙂  If a woman tells a guy that she can cook, likes football (when I say football, I mean REAL football :)), works out, and…. knows and WATCHES Stargate?

StarGate -- a great series!
I have many favorite shows that I have gotten hooked on (thanks to my friends on the track team and at USC :)), including Grey’s Anatomy among others.  But hey, there are some shows that are so good, they are addicting!  I found that out pretty fast in the past couple of weeks with watching the show Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis.  If I hadn’t gone into Public Relations, I would have gone into science.  I have always enjoyed learning new things about science, and I took many different courses from high school on.

Also, my family and I always enjoyed science fiction movies and television shows– for one of my halloween costumes, I was Spock from “Star Trek.”  Also, watching these movies brings back wonderful memories of spending time with my family.  We would all gather with our popcorn and watch a couple episodes.

So guys– the stereotype that all women don’t like science fiction– is not true.  The shows are fun, enjoyable, and WAY better than some of the shows that are out there! 🙂 


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